Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Some Research and some Questions

Yesterday I did some research on the internet for information and photos of F-4E Phantoms during the Vietnam War.  I was able to find two photographs of the exact F-4E the kit decal sheet was for.

F-4E, 67-287, 388th TFW, Korat, 1971, by RH Morgan

F-4E, 67-287, 469th TFS, 1972, by Don Logan

I was able to find out that the JV tail code was for the 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing.  The 469th TFS was stationed at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base from November 1968 to October of 1972.  The 469th TFS was the first squadron equipped with the F-4E to serve in Vietnam.

This information raised an issue with the kit decals.

The aircraft serial number on the decal sheet is 70-287!   Which was in conflict with the website photos which identified the aircraft as 67-287. (please forgive my poor photography)

So I checked a couple of websites http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/usafserials.html and http://www.5053phantoms.com/SN_USAF/index-Dateien/frame.html

Which showed that no F-4E with serial number 70-0287 was ever producted!  So the kit decals have the wrong aircraft serial number. Bummer!

Also you may have noticed the stripes on the fuselage are missing in the 1972 photograph by Don Logan.  I was able to find out that these stripes designate the wing commander's aircraft.

I'm going to try and see if I can find a new set of decals since I'm bummed out about the kit decals having the wrong aircraft serial number.


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