Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Turning Blue

Got the LaGG-3 masked off.  Ivan is examining the tail landing gear doors.  I was able to lose at least one of them TWICE! before getting them glued on. That upped the aggravation factor for a little while.  This was when I came in from the shop and ate some of my wife's chocolate chip with Oreo crust cheesecake  (yum!).  This had a calming effect and I was able to return to the shop and successfully search the floor for the absconding gear door.  Which I quickly glued into place.  May it stay there for eternity.

Airbrushed the underside with Testor's acrylic Hellblau (light blue).  Topside painting to follow.  I've got to get the canopy masked.

I put on the Eagle's landing gear and applied a gloss coat in preparation for applying the decals.

Ivan! what are you doing?

Had a good day.  See ya'll soon.

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