Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Post and Introduction

My name is Mark.  I plan to use this blog to document my efforts in 1/144 and 1/72 scale aircraft modelling and other items that are of interest.

I have been dabbling in modelling for about the last 5+ years and have completed a grand total of 5 models.  None of what I would call good quality.  I've never really outgrown my boyhood fascination with planes so the majority of my models are airplanes.  In common with a lot of modellers I have a "stash" of uncompleted or not started kits.  My hope is that this blog will inspire me to finish more models and improve my modelling skills.

As secondary goals I want to use this blog to improve my photograph taking and writing skills.

I got the idea for the blog name from hearing 1/144 and 1/72 scales referred to as "braille scale" and thinking about aircraft manufacturing companies of the 1930s and 40s (i.e. North American Aviation) and hoping that I can become more of an aircraft model "manufacturer".

I'll start off with some Works In Progress (WIPs) that I have.

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