Friday, July 11, 2014

And then it's 8 months later.

Well shoot, life is funny.  With the best intentions last December I started posting again to this blog then a few days ago while looking for aircraft photos on Google I came across an image I had posted and looked back here and realized that I hadn't posted anything in 8 months.  That plus I had finally cleaned up my shop building and had moved much to my wife's relief , I think, my model stuff out to the shop from our bedroom where it had been cluttering up a desk and occupying a large part of the floor space.  In the course of this I re-discovered my 1/144 scale Academy F-15 and F-4E model kits that I started this blog with  With that I  present the following as a kind of return to the beginning...

After cleaning up my shop and moving my model stuff, I started fiddling with my model kits and opened up the Academy F-15 Eagle kit and just started working on it.  Without realizing it in couple of hours I had the model pretty well put together and had started painting it.  I've worked on it a little each day this week sometimes only 10-15 minutes and thought I'd go ahead and post some pics of my progress.  I'm not promising anything after the starts and fits I've had writing this blog.  But I am feeling good about my progress so far and want to see this one through.

So this is where I finished on day 1 model pretty well put together and a coat of Light Ghost Gray on, the engine area painted silver per the kit instructions and the cockpit (no detail just a blank area) painted Charcoal Gray.

So this is day 3.  I got the canopy glued on,  the framing masked and painted, the top area painted with Dark Ghost Gray per kit instructions, and the engine exhaust "cans" painted and installed. 

Also, I found the LaGG-3 with Ivan and Victor that I had started on back in December and worked on a couple of the seams that needed to be puttied up.

And made a little progress.

Also made a little progress on the F-15

Scraped seams on AIM-7 Sparrow missiles and glued to match sticks for painting

Painted wheels, I'm going to need to retouch these.


painted landing gear.

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