Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wings of Victory

Started added strap detail to the LaGG's wings.

Determined the LaGG's 1/72 scale wingspan and reduced drawing down to correct size.

Then I cut out a wing and taped it down over a brass sheet.  Using a new sharp Xacto knife blade and a straight edge I cut out the strap shapes.

As Ivan said, the first one I cut out came out fine.  The second one I got in a rush to finish and I'm probably going to have to cut out another one if I can't trim it down.  I actually feel better good about this.  It is the first time I've tried to add some scratch built metal detail like this. My plan is to file/sand the metal straps smooth and super glue them in place on the wings.  Once I've got them into position I'll add a little rivet detail with a drill bit or needle in my pin vise.   I'm hopeful that it's going to turn out ok.

Also, removed the tail strip decals from the F-15 Eagle

Photo is of Micro Set loosened tail strip before I used an old brush to remove decal.  I also managed to destroy one of the decals under one of the strips because I got impatient and put masking tape down on unprotected decals.  When I lifted the tape the decal stuck to the tape and came off.  Despite my best efforts the decal disintegrated when I tried to carefully remove it from the tape. After this I sprayed on a coat of gloss lacquer to protect the decals

 I get very mad at myself for getting in a rush which invariably leads to disaster.  I'm going to check at a local store to see if they have another Eagle kit I can buy to use the decal out of.  Or I may try to contact Academy to see if they will send me a replacement.  More to follow.

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