Wednesday, July 16, 2014

One step at a Time

Made a little progress today.

I put on a little less than half of the Eagle's decals this evening.  The yellow tail strips gave me fits and I'm still not 100% happy with them.  I may take them off and paint them on.  More work on this tomorrow.

I made some progress on getting the LaGG-3's canopy masked.  I apologize for the out of focus picture. The canopy framing is very faint in some spots.  I'm using a lighted magnifying lens to work on the canopy and it's still difficult to see to position the masking tape.  Also more work on this tomorrow.

The big event today was that my youngest daughter was involved in an automobile accident this afternoon.  Thankfully no one was hurt, but my wife's car  is going to be out of commission for a while.

I'm trying to think of this in the "glass is half full" way and be grateful that no one was hurt and I'm not spending my evening at a hospital or worse.  Life is precious.  Live it to fulfill your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Looking at some LaGG-3 references, I noticed that the LaGG-3 is missing the straps on the wings.  I think I'm going to scribe these on before painting the topside.  More to follow on this.

Thank you to other model builders, you work inspires me to try to do better(if it does sometimes give me an inferiority complex:-{ ).  And thanks to family and friends for your encouragement and patience with my geek like ways.

See ya'll tomorrow.

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