Saturday, July 12, 2014

Up Early and went to work

Got up early and put in some work on the LaGG-3.

Taped off seam on starboard wing root.

Smeared on contour putty and then wiped down with cotton swab dipped in acetone.  This really reduces the amount of sanding I have to do later.

This is really inexpensive source of acetone.  The stuff you buy in the paint section of a hardware store is way more expensive.

Sanded down with sanding sticks. Actually, nail care buffing sticks, way cheaper than those you buy in a hobby store.  I picked some up in 280, 600, 4,000 and 12,000 grit. I used my daughter as cover to gain entrance to the female domain of the nail care store to make my purchase.  If you can't tell by now, I'm really cheap and pursuing my hobby on a budget.  Such is the life of a married man with teenage daughters.

What Ivan is trying to point out here is that we've painted the seam with some silver paint after sanding to check for smoothness.  Unfortunately it revealed that some more sanding is needed :-(.

Also worked a little on the F-15.  Painted the AIM-9 Sparrow missile bodies Light Ghost Gray and added blue (training) warhead bands and brown (live) rocket motor bands.  Web research revealed that the aircraft serial number in the decals is for a F-15D which is a two-seat version used for training so that's why I chose to use blue (training) warhead bands instead of painting them yellow (for live ordinance).  I think they look pretty cool :-).

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