Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Scribe Time

Short post tonight.  I got a good amount of work on the LaGG-3 today.  I decided to scribe in panel line detail and the wing strap detail so I can keep moving on this project.

The LaGG-3 was built mainly out of wood.  Metal was only used where absolutely necessary in order to save on scarce metals and use something the Soviet Union had an abundance of - wood.  This does have the benefit of limiting the number of panel lines on the model.

The main area on the LaGG-3 where metal was used was the engine cowling.  I started there scribing on panel line detail.

They look a bit on the heavy side, but this is the first time I did this, so I'm happy to have detail where none existed before. 

Then I scribed in the wing strap detail.

I can move forward on the LaGG-3 from here.  Still have to work some on the aileron detail and cleaning up the panel lines.

Just got to keep banging away on this.

One lesson I've learned from this project and the F-15 is that I need to have a clearer idea of what I want to accomplish on a model before I start building it.

More to follow soon.

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